


Personal Development & Interpersonal Relationships
Properly instil life education to prevent student suicides
做好生命教育 防範學生輕生  (Trial)
Youth hostels offer slight relief but real cure depends on the market
青年宿舍稍紓困 治本仍須靠市場
Suspend TSA first to stop "cramming" culture
遏「催谷」文化 先暫停TSA

Hong Kong Today
By-election result adds worries over Hong Kong's prospects
補選結果為港前景添憂  (Trial)
Fulfilling employer's duty better than boastful talk
盡好僱主責 勝誇誇其談
Toppling copyright law hinders creative industry
版權法拉倒 礙創意工業
Economic development must be free from political fetters
Demand for elderly housing exists but overly upscale units short of enquiries
長者屋有需求 太富貴乏人問
Cut filibuster this week to save Express Rail Link
剪布救高鐵 本周應落刀
Plug regulation loopholes to wipe out blood-sucking intermediaries
堵監管漏洞 趕絕中介吸血鬼
Mainland-Hong Kong connection an advantage, Moody's downgrading unfounded
中港連繫有利 穆迪降級無據
Infestation of "fake refugees" - exterminate snakeheads across borders
「假難民」為患 須跨國剿蛇頭
HK independence won't change "one country" but will damage "two systems"
搞港獨難改「一國」 反損「兩制」
Hong Kong people's wisdom must be used for developing advantage
Let the rare meeting bring a new state of affairs for HK
Beijing's action needed to stop South Asian "human snakes" at source
遏南亞「蛇」源 須北京出手
Learn a lesson from strange case to plug food safety loophole
吸取怪案教訓 堵食安漏洞
Don't let filibuster devastate Hong Kong any more
Chan Kin-por's resolute filibuster cutting deserves support
Leniency in measurement of penalty leads to loss of power in deterring violence
量刑手軟 失阻嚇暴力作用
Independent riot inquiry - neither necessary nor beneficial
獨立查暴亂 沒必要也無益
With legislation in the West, mask ban is reasonable
歐美已立法 禁蒙面合理
Prompt action needed to save declining tourism
挽旅業頹勢 出招不容緩
Private jet landing and take-off difficulty ruins Hong Kong's business
私人飛機升降難 倒香港米
New player joins TV war, industry needs benign competition
新台參戰 電視業須良性競爭
No more "Big Era" under surging economic overcast
經濟陰雲湧 港難重現「大時代」
Lantau development - a way out for Hong Kong
Suspension of classes during rainstorm should be determined by scientific guidelines
Remove "lead crisis" worries earlier
Don't undermine conservation "in a blunder"
Total social mobilization needed to ease unemployment pain
減失業痛楚 社會須總動員
Radical legislators put on show, depriving colleagues of their say
激進議員表演 剝奪同僚發言
Political consensus needed in fighting adversity

Modern China
Face the risk of "badmouthing" and fight to maintain confidence in growth
面對「唱衰」風險 力穩增長信心
To prevent debt tsunami, rigorous enterprise reform is a must
防債務海嘯 須厲行企改
Economy - the key to building up rule authority
建治國權威 最重要經濟
Shenzhen-Shanghai "circuit broken" but HK must maintain market order
深滬熔斷港不斷 須力保市場秩序
Grab business opportunity from mainland's service industry take-off
"Bad-mouthing" China - a prelude to great war
「唱衰」中國 大戰前奏
SDR membership must be worthy of the name
加入SDR 名實應相副
To avoid being hard hit by global warming, China pledges to step up emission cuts
免成暖化重災區 華矢志加強減排
Strengthening military requires modernization of management

Nuclear threat lingers on amid Kim Jong-un's lack of a sense of security
金正恩缺安全感 核霾難消
Kicking out dictators in the past, choosing a new strongman today
昔趕走獨裁者 今鍾情新強人
Trump successfully manipulates American blue collars' dream

Public Health
Hospitals needed to expand, but staff shortage even more urgent
二千億擴公院 更須解人才荒

Energy Technology & Environment
Open up new gas sources but guarantee lower tariffs
拓新氣源 要保電費有得減
Joy to air travellers but pain to car owners
The development of scientific research must be industry-driven
Be a little more generous in electricity tariff cut

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