


Personal Development & Interpersonal Relationships
Confessing mistakes in love life, leaving judgement to citizens
坦承感情缺失 交由市民評價  (Trial)
V for Vendetta mask not a licence to commit crime
Demand for relieving pressure especially large this school year
Prevent bad upstairs bars from causing youngsters harm
Bullying the weak and elderly and the princess syndrome - two sides of the same coin
欺老弱與公主病 一個錢幣的兩面
Client privacy protection - responsibility of real estate agencies
保障客戶私隱 地產代理有責

Hong Kong Today
Would Legco please rule yourself well?
請立法會管好自己  (Trial)
Minimum wage effect, workplace reshuffle not yet over
最低工資效應 職場執位未完
Label guidelines misleading consumers must be amended
誤導消費者 標籤指引要改
Charity rating has to be fair and just
Inflation harms hard to remove without speeding up construction
建設不加快 通脹之害難除
Complete review of thinking behind cash handouts after giving out $6,000
送完六千元 全面檢討派錢思維
The symbolism in eating an egg tart in Tin Shui Wai
Expedient intake of special talents to temporarily relieve maternity needs
吸專才權宜計 暫紓婦產科需求
Setting up HK super league - right time, right place, only without right people
搞港超聯有天時地利 獨欠人和
Third runway stirs up big debate of social values
第三條跑道 掀社會價值大辯論
Resettlement support comes before total ban on sub-divided flat
全面取締劏房 先要有安置配套
To avoid disturbing citizens, consult widely on proposals dealing with illegal structures
為防擾民 廣徵處理僭建方案
Hong Kong shall not become a paradise for "substitute examinees"
Face up to ruling in Tam's case, clarify grey areas in elections
正視譚案判決 澄清選舉灰色地帶
Wedding industry is very promising

Modern China
Revolution a partial success, all still have to work hard
革命局部成功 各方仍須努力
Don't get headstrong with great leaps in space research
太空科研飛躍 切忌頭腦發熱
Mainland can self-protect, no fear for hard landing
內地足自保 未愁硬著陸
SMAP becomes barometer for Sino-Japanese relations
Enhance military mutual trust to avoid "new cold war"
增軍事互信 避免「新冷戰」
Still more efforts required to water down the "China threat"
沖淡「中國威脅論」 仍要多做功夫
Getting on the development expressway of the nation

A copy of Steve Jobs impossible
Added worries on Apple's outlook as iPhone 5 fails to show up
iPhone 5失約 蘋果前景添憂
Obama holds up "signboard in gold" to hike tax
Facing reality and withdrawing troops favour US recuperation
面對現實撤軍 有利美國休養生息
Killing bin Laden can bring joy but second term is still determined by economy
斃拉登可以沖喜 爭連任仍靠經濟
A photograph may turn into a bomb
Prevent Libya from becoming another Iraq
Revolutionary youth shows power; road from chaos to rule is tough
革命青年顯力量 由亂而治路崎嶇
Strengthen nuclear radiation detection on foodstuffs

Public Health
Strengthen stall management and be on strict guard against repeat of tragedy
加強管理攤檔 嚴防悲劇重演
Don't treat the patients' families as "monsters"
Scarlet fever gets fierce, strengthen hygiene in summer activities
猩紅熱變惡 加強暑期活動衛生
Clouding agents stir up clouds; keep a tight check on toxic foodstuffs
起雲劑起風雲 毒食品嚴把關
Prepare well supporting facilities for mainland women coming to HK to give birth
Increased chance of epidemic breakout with fewer people taking flu shots
少打流感針 爆疫機會增

Energy Technology & Environment
Australia's emission tax is a good reference for Hong Kong
澳洲減排稅 值得港參考
Raging flames reflect difficulty in suburban management
Tough battle in countryside conservation, strike balance in private property compensation
保育郊野打硬仗 私產補償考平衡
Finer details of turning plastic bag levy into charge require proper arrangements
膠袋徵稅變收費 細節要妥善安排
Learn from Fukushima incident and upgrade nuclear power safety
吸取福島教訓 提升核電安全
Holistic consideration to share price of waste treatment
全盤考慮 分擔垃圾處理代價

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