


Personal Development & Interpersonal Relationships
Occupy Central leaders charged, must keep their words
佔中領袖被控 須兌現承諾  (Trial)
Don’t smear police force with the 7-cop case
New spoon-fed education narrows room for scientific exploration
Broadcasting hate messages online, new media goes out of control
網上播仇恨 新媒體失控
Respect others’ rights first in the fight for human rights
爭取人權 先要尊重他人權利
Charity funds abuse – penalties too lenient
濫用善款 懲處不力
Going too far with hazing may spell legal trouble
玩人玩出火 須負法律後果
Chinese history will inevitably become an individual subject

Hong Kong Today
Use multi-pronged approach to ease citizens’ fare burden
減市民車費負擔 須多管齊下
Early compromise on MPF offsetting mechanism favours uniting society
積金對沖早妥協 利社會團結  (Trial)
Don’t use citizens as bargaining chips in taxi industry wrangle
的士業角力 莫挾市民為籌碼
Sweeteners are eye-catching, but increasing revenue is more important
派糖固奪目 開源更重要
New blood in Exco helps strengthen administration
Having more major sporting events requires social coordination
添體育盛事 須社會配合
Find comprehensive solution for stall to let Kai Tak take off earlier
綜合解決阻滯 讓啟德早飛躍
Relieve middle-class elderly, expand annuity scheme
減中產長者憂 年金宜加碼
Healing split creates win-win situation, finding a way out depends on both parties
修補撕裂締共嬴 走出困局靠雙方
Zhang praises Macau and Hong Kong “hears” it
張德江讚澳 港聽弦外音

Modern China
Clear doubts and resistance to build Hong Kong-Shenzhen Silicon Valley earlier
釋疑除阻力 早建港深矽谷
Returning to pragmatic treatment for China, road ahead still tough for Sino-US relations
回歸務實對華 中華波折仍多
XRL co-location arrangements indispensable
RMB regains strength for time being but variable factors remain
雖暫洗頹風 人幣存波動變數
Xi-Trump resort meeting prevents Sino-US hostility
習特莊園會 防中美成敵
Xi's “core leadership” advances into the 19th CPC National Congress
Less delusive strength in Shenzhen-HK Stock Connect favours development
Catch the Belt and Road train, revitalize Hong Kong
趕「帶路」列車 重振港增長動力

Dutch far-right power suffers election setback but not diminished
China advances while the US falls back in globalization lead
領軍全球化 美退華進
Nuclear test nightmare fades but no solution in sight
核試噩夢稍緩 根治未見良策
Complications in Brexit, costing UK much more than expected
脫歐多枝節 英付代價超預期
Obama's report card – better in domestic than diplomatic affairs
Ruthless “bad kid” makes things difficult for China
「壞孩子」手辣 令中國難做
Trump is profit-seeking, chances low for Sino-US trade war
特朗普重利 中美難打貿易戰
New president shows goodwill, hopefully Korean situation will ease
新總統釋善意 望新風緩朝局

Public Health
Two universities should together provide private hospital all-inclusive packages
Fewer outrageous fees will boost patients’ confidence
減離譜收費 增病人信心
In due consideration of citizens’ burden, public hospital fee hikes should come in phases
照顧市民負擔 公院加費宜分期
Relieve acute hospital manpower shortage with foreign aid
公私院人手俱缺 濟急靠外援
VHIS undermined
自願醫保縱削弱 仍值「袋住先」
A salute to living liver donor who saves a stranger
More staff training to prevent youngsters falling into mental
增訓人手 防青少年墮精神「黑洞」
Look into prescription blunder to prevent medical care from causing harm
深究開漏藥 免醫人變害人

Energy Technology & Environment
Do a better recycling job to ease waste charge burden
做好回收 降垃圾徵費負擔
Tariff cut is a happy sight, only that it may soon end
樂見電費減 唯恐近尾聲
Look into new model for Big Bay Area wealth creation
大灣區創富 須研新模式
Resolve compensation and relocation, speed up Wang Chau development
解決賠償安置 加快橫洲發展
Should make all bids public in land sale auction result announcement
賣地開標 宜公布所有標價
Trust professionalism in aviation control, properly enhance system
信任空管專業 做好系統優化
Country park housing, scientific assessment needed
郊野公園建屋 須經科學評估
Popularizing electric vehicles, not by tax cut alone
電動車普及化 難單靠減稅

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