


Modern China
Economic pressure materializes China-Japan-South Korea ice-breaking
經濟壓力促成中日韓破冰  (Trial)
People's wealth creation is key in comprehensive well-off society to rid of poverty
全面小康助脫貧 民間創富是關鍵
Turn a new leaf in cross-strait relations with pragmatism and mutual respect
務實互重 為兩岸關係掀新頁
Hostage execution - a challenge to China's diplomatic strategy
Reform scientific research environment before reaching for the Nobel prize
攀諾獎 要先革新科研環境
Kuomintang's presidential election is such a mess
Global quantitative easing favours stock markets
全球寬鬆 有利股市
Military strength and anti-domination amid a century of blood-and-tear war history
百年戰亂血淚 煉就強軍拒霸國策
Now it's the US after Chinese stocks and currency have resumed stability
中國股匯回穩 輪到看美國
Bidding farewell to high growth and facing new challenges
告別高增長 面對新挑戰

Personal Development & Interpersonal Relationships
Beware of school children harming eyesight with prolonged screen usage
學童長看「芒」損眼須警惕  (Trial)
Be on early guard against harmful apps that "poison" students
Address youth poverty and deal with it earlier
Aggressively stop the bad practice of exam drills and do a good job in student assessment
力遏操練歪風 做好學生評估

Hong Kong Today
Crack down on tigers to stop unscrupulous shops from ripping off tourists
遏止黑店宰旅客 要打大老虎
When selling new public housing, learn from past mistakes
Protecting country parks means reclamation and northeast development
若保郊野公園 就要填海拓東北
Core funds entering the arena make it easy for citizens to choose
核心基金搭擂台 市民容易揀
Thoroughly investigate "fast track" degrees to safeguard HK's integrity and reputation
嚴查「速成」學歷 保港誠信聲譽
Show sporting spirit when cheering for Hong Kong team
為港隊打氣 須顯體育精神
Hong Kong team deserves support for having done its best
交足功課 港隊抵撐
Free mailing - why paid out of taxpayers' pockets?
High turnout boosted by political undercurrents
The rise of newcomers will affect Legco election
新生代冒起 影響立會選舉
Address the "phobia of Chinese History"
Pursuing superficial equality but violating common sense
追求表面平等 卻違常理
"Divestment" accusations unfair to Li Ka-shing
Allow boarding of large musical instruments first then relax scope of restriction
先讓大樂器上車 再擴寬限範圍
Develop cultural and entertainment tours to help tourist industry transform
發展文娛旅遊 助旅業轉型
Moderate pan-democrats put to most severe test in district council election
Import more foreign labour to deal with shortage in third runway construction
缺人建三跑 宜增輸外勞
Pay hikes to keep staff should include public hospital doctors
加薪留人 公院醫生不應例外
Cracking down on zero-fee tours is mainland's responsibility
打擊零負團費 內地責無旁貸
Owning a home difficult, undergrads go for haunted public housing flats
置業難 大學生輪公屋凶宅
Rigorously deter vote rigging to ensure social stability
Take heed of historical lesson from the anti-Japanese War
Radical localist groups are "cancer cells" that harm Hong Kong
How can serious child abuse be covered up for months?
ATV's prospective new owner must clear doubts over its strength
亞視準新主 須撥清實力迷霧

Aung San Suu Kyi "pockets it" in exchange for big breakthrough
Paris washed in blood makes the West take a sharp turn
Risk control needed in US South China Sea protest
美國南海示威 須控風險
Reappearing financial crisis haze calls for vigilance
Fake and genuine refugees must not be offered same treatment
Red Square guard of honour inspection, Russia being pro-China for own good
紅場閱兵 俄為自保倍親華

Public Health
Set clear travel alert policy to avoid embarrassment
擺脫尷尬 須訂清晰旅警制度
Don't allow inaccurate relay of epidemic information
Prevent hawker policy enhancement to favour economy from becoming public nuisance
優化小販政策 利經濟防擾民

Energy Technology & Environment
Stepping up energy conservation efforts reduces emissions and saves money
加大節能力度 減排又慳荷包
Business sector must do its best in reducing light pollution nuisance
減夜光擾民 商界須盡責

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