


Personal Development & Interpersonal Relationships
Everything ready but spectators for promoting cycling
推廣單車運動 諸事俱備唯欠觀眾  (Trial)
Strict guard against tutorial schools becoming sex-offenders' hunting grounds
Murder-suicide with child undesirable, review on hospital discharge needed
帶子自殺不可取 出院安排要檢討
Set down rules to keep children off mobile phone addiction
約法三章 防子女手機上癮
Parents must "outsource" English language teaching correctly

Hong Kong Today 今日香港
Chi Lin's heritage application slammed: lacking coordination, messing up
志蓮申遺被轟協調不足自亂陣腳  (Trial)
Proposing interpretation in curved path, principle of law awaits clarification
提釋法 法理待澄清
Minimum wage aims for remedy, not adjustment of pay ceiling
低資旨在保底 並非調薪上限
Tunnels' "reasonable return" no longer reasonable
It's either "forge ahead or fall behind" in anti-corruption work
Battle line hard to guard for government in conservation-development dispute
保育發展爭拗 政府難守戰
Increasing public malls requires high-quality management
增公營商場 還要優質管理
Release consultant report for public discussion on licensing policy 
公布顧問報告 眾議發牌政策
Best use of land with due consideration for demographic balance
Relaxed application requirements will increase HOS demand
放寬申請資格 勢增居屋需求
Increasing public housing supply not just by redevelopment
Improve bus and taxi safety after a lesson in blood
血的教訓 巴士的士都提高安全
Subsidising industries to recruit staff only a temporary solution
Grassroots work type also has its day
Programme quality of free TV declining
Flat sale doubts - less understanding with more explanation
Arbitration better than estate fight, less harm to family harmony
仲裁好過爭產 減傷家族和氣
Shorten CHT queues with opportunity EHT arbitration brings
借仲裁東風 縮紅隧車龍
Make good use of market mechanism to raise MPF performance
善用市場機制 提升強積金表現
Drink-driving calamities rise again, address the root of the bad habit
酒駕闖禍回升 正視陋習根源
Stopping broadcast, continuing broadcast and free broadcast keep citizens confused
停播 續播 義播 市民一頭霧水
There must be mechanism to prevent elder abuse coverup
Don't use ostrich policy in dealing with labour force bottleneck
面對勞動力瓶頸 忌用鴕鳥政策
Walking together through days filled with grief
Multi-directional thorough investigation on major sea disaster's underlying causes
Old Age Allowance becomes welfare policy touchstone

Modern China 現代中國
Scrapping re-education through labour - first step in perfecting rule of law
Urbanisation fuels engine of domestic demand
Do livelihood and governance jobs well, fear not former administration's shadow
做好民生施政 何懼前朝陰影
New leadership takes enhancing livelihood as main direction
Central govt's personnel arrangement strengthens principle of HK rule
First there is Gao Xingjian and now Mo Yan
有高行健 現在還有莫言

Globalisation 全球化
Profit opportunities for big players to come with relief at cliff edge
臨崖鬆口氣 大戶漁利機會續來
Councillors afraid of attacks, US gun control difficult
議員怕狙擊 美國管槍難
Obama's losing voter support adverse to economic revival
失選民支持 不利經濟復甦
Whether US president will be lame depends on Congress
美總統會否跛腳 還看國會

Public Health 公共衛生
Learn from South Asian island nation, promote organ donation
借鏡南亞島國 推廣捐贈器官
Good packaging needed to reduce resistance in hasty landfill expansion
急擴堆填區 做好包裝減阻力

Energy Technology & Environment
Closely follow and change strategies to defuse new internet deception tactics
緊貼變陣 化解網騙新招
Who's paying more for phasing out old diesel vehicles
Government must prevent power tariff becoming inflation locomotive
Proper recycling must come before "waste levy"
Building dams everywhere, beware of backflow
到處築堤壩 防洪水倒灌
Protect industry's livelihood while phasing out old vehicles to cut pollution
汰舊車減污染 須保業界生計

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