


Personal Development & Interpersonal Relationships
NSS academic structure reform must be pragmatic
新高中學制改革須務實  (Trial)
High hopes for children, but know when to relax
望子女成龍 也要懂放輕鬆
Whitewashed crime makes youngsters unaware
罪行遭粉飾 青少年失覺
Prevent "Hong Kong kids" parenting from producing a narcissist society

Hong Kong Today
Hope for early end to strike through middleman's ice-breaking
借中間人破冰 冀早日息工潮  (Trial)
Name used in privacy trickery, authorities must refute rumour earlier
被借名套私隱 當局闢謠要早
Don't shy away from controversial questions and marking must be fair
不避爭議試題 評分須公正
Hydrant fails just when needed
Filibuster on budget lacks public support
Monitor HK hot money moves in unpredictable gold plunge
金挫風雲變 留意港熱錢走向
Considerable concessions this year, fare adjustment mechanism to prove itself
今年讓步可觀 票價機制待證
As avian flu fear drops, beware of virus sneak attack
禽流感恐懼降 警惕病毒偷襲
URA can consider shortening
flat-for-flat waiting period
Temporary housing help for subdivided flat dwellers may be extremely difficult
臨屋助劏房戶 恐隔萬重山
Side issues on June 4 vigil, facing changes in mourning tradition
六四晚會生枝節 悼念傳統臨變遷
Be aggressive or otherwise, "HK land for HK people" mustn't be lukewarm
大做或不做 港人港地忌溫吞水
Two major worries over choice of new URA chairman
Avoid erring in specifics in ambulance on-car attachment
Lingnan University's new president must first "turn foes into friends"
Celebration or demonstration,
a choice to make this year
慶祝或遊行 今年要抉擇
Keeping catfish effect without the inbreeding
要鯰魚效應 棄近親繁殖
Lone Snowden goes afar as Hong Kong sees him off lawfully
「斯」人獨遠去 港依法送客
Launch "Q-Mark" group buying to stabilise consumer confidence
推「Q嘜」團購 穩消費信心
Land auction finally sees "dirt cheap price"
Marine Department to have big operation for being perfunctory
馬虎塞責 海事處要施大手術
Economic vitality means hope for labour welfare improvement
經濟活力在 勞工福利改善可期
Allow voting on the motion first, whether or not in support of disaster relief
支持賑災與否 先讓議案表決
Big plan for improving ventilation through planning better than nothing
規劃改通風 鴻圖好過無
Labour mutual trust destroyed, consequence of workers' strike worrying
勞資互信破壞 工潮後果堪憂
What if Sir Ferguson comes to Hong Kong?
Where can legal pet columbariums be found?
It's time for cutting filibuster short, the key lies in how
剪布是時候 關鍵在技巧
Seek treatment early for mental illness to avoid harming others and self
精神問題早求醫 免傷人累己

Modern China
Mantis arm blocking cart arouses concern of development going off track
螳臂可擋車 發展憂出軌
Heavy price paid for putting company performance ahead of safety
輕安全重業績 付沉重代價
Peaceful development requires new type of great power relations
National football team hitting new lows, changing coach is no real change
國足屢創新低 換教練只換湯
Another smile that draws outrage
On the road to well-off society, great anti-corruption aspiration awaits reward
邁上小康之路 反貪壯志待酬

Not only North Korea making trouble
拆台國家 何止北韓
The Iron Lady is dead, Thatcherism left in name
鐵娘子已逝 戴卓爾主義留名
Whistle-blower hero's fame rises, heavy punishment will provoke backlash
泄密英雄人氣升 重手處罰惹反彈
Rounding up hot money spill, low tide coming from behind
收拾氾濫游資 潮退尚在後頭
Malaysian Chinese again become scapegoats
New South American pontiff faces challenges in reforms
南美新教宗 變革有挑戰

Public Health
Moving Hong Kong and Kowloon's waste north lacks proper arrangements
港九垃圾大北遷 欠妥善安排

Energy Technology & Environment
Beware of more haste less speed in waste reduction rush
減廢急起直追 慎防欲速不達
Hong Kong is behind mainland in electric taxi supporting facilities
電動的士配套 港遜內地
Electricity tariff talks must take environmental protection and people's livelihood into account
電費談判 須兼顧環保與民生

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